Scenography: Outdoor Space

Course Code
ECTS Credits
4th / 6th / 8th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category

Chara Thanou

Course Description

Theory: Scenography related to the outdoor space, the particular circumstances under which it occurs and its special expressive possibilities will be presented. The individual art elements (drawing, tonality, lighting, volume, scale, textures, etc.), the possibilities thereof as well as the way in which they compose the outdoor staging space, shaping it into a construction, which shall be functional and exist as an independent art composition, will be discussed. The multidimensional nature of scenography and its association with Painting and Sculpture and the two-way link of Scenography to Architecture, Modern and Contemporary Art (Installation Art, Environmental Art, land Art, Ephemeral Art, Graffiti Art, Murals) as well as the parameters for the inclusion of outdoor staging space in a different natural and cultural environment will be explored. Art workshop: Through gradual learning of the vocabulary, corrections and discussions, students are called to work in teams in order to compose an art setting that will be presented on a mural with graffiti elements. With various construction techniques, they will provide a perspective of materiality to the representation of their idea (sketches, collages, photoshop, storyboard, digital model, plastic scale model, etc.) by presenting a theoretical work supporting the specific choice and the influences that have led to it.